A View to the North

A View to the North
Beauty is in the eyes of the shopper

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sad day in the strawberry patch

We are sad to inform you that we no longer offer a pick your own strawberry patch. Due to the intense demands on labor, and time, we have had to take out our "U-Pick" strawberry patch. We realize that many of you came with your families and enjoyed a morning or evening picking fresh strawberries and spending quality time with your families.

Also, with the expansion of our greenhouses and nursery, we were forced to eliminate the whole patch. Please accept our apologies.

As for the hopes that there might be another strawberry patch to pick your own berries from, I don't know of any other strawberry grower in the State of Utah.

But, if you are looking for fresh raspberries and or blackberries, theress a great U-Pick farm just around the corner from us here in Mapleton Utah. It's called "McBrides Mcbrier Patch". You can contact them by phoning them at 801-420-1309. THEY have a nice spread of raspberries and blackberries.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer's Heating up

Now that summer is half over, things are heating up in the greenhouse. We have some awesome sales on all our annuals, Vegetables, hanging baskets, perennials, trees and shrubs. All annuals are half off; hanging baskets are regularly 29.95, now only 15 bucks each.; Perennials are on sale, buy four get 0ne free (equal or lesser value); trees and shrubs are 30% off. Our
5'-6' colorado Blue Spruces are on sale for only 59.99, regularly 129.99!!!

Strawberry Hanging Baskets are on sale for only 15 bucks as well. Let us know you saw this ad on our blog and get a flat of african daisy's free, while supplies last. Though the summer heat has heated things up outside, it's never too late to plant your trees and shrubs, or flowers for that matter. We have over 200 fruit trees left, they are only 32.99 each (not part of the 30% off sale).

Don't let the construction keep you from enjoying all these amazing specials. Come see us in the greenhouse at 2600 south hwy 89 in south mapleton. We can't wait to show you around!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Color in the greenhouse

Well, sure wish I had someone to keep things updated on our blog. We have been very busy in the greenhouses, yes, greenhouses. We now have five(5) greenhouses growing some of the most incredible plant materials for you to purchase.

The weather hasn't been too cooperative though. It's been very weird again this season, just like last. But a few things I did want to tell you, we have over 1000 gorgeous 12" hanging baskets. We are selling the "strawberry Hanging Baskets like crazy, both in the greenhouses and on the web. We have over 25 tomato varieties and all the vegetable starts for your gardening needs. Our Perennial selection continues to grow by 15 -20 varieties per week, and they are looking oh so sweet. Our annual selection and QUALITY are very difficult to beat. We are so much further ahead than many of our competitors in the area. We have trees aplenty and we are receiving shrubs every week.

One of the great specials we have is on our Colorado Green Spruces, normally $129.99, on sale now for only $79.99, while supplies last. They are beautiful!!! Our signature "Strawberry Hanging Baskets" are selling like hotcakes, get yours today.

It's never too late to plant, make sure you keep things watered well and you'll find much success in your gardening experience.

Come see us in the greenhouse, and you'll have the best shopping experience ever. With over 35 years of combined experience, you're sure to find someone to answer all your gardening questions. Thanks for taking the time to read our blog, come see us in the greenhouse!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Get yours today"

Imagine, picking your own strawberries off your very own strawberry Hanging basket on your patio or deck. Imagine sinking your teeth into one of those strawberries you've picked off your strawberry hanging baskets, and as you sink your teeth into the strawberry, juice runs down the sides of your mouth and drips on your shirt. Well, that imagination can't ever become a reality until you take some time and go to http://www.thesweeteststrawberry.com/ and purchase your very own "Strawberry Hanging Basket Kit". Yes, for only $29.95 plus $10.00 S&H, you can have your very own strawberry patch hanging on your patio or deck. And, if you buy two, just think of all the sweet lucious berries you'll be picking!!! Like no other offer, we include in each kit: 1-10" BloomMaster hanging basket and wire, a bag of premium potting soil with fertilizer mix, 2 oz. of slow release fertilizer, 8 dormant strawberry plants and detailed illustrated instructions sure to help you succeed. NOONE else offers this. We like to say..."Everything You Need Is In The Box". Spring is not too far off, especially for those of you in higher zones, 7-10. For the rest of us who are in zones 3-6, old man winter could still unleash his fury. Just today here in Mapleton, Utah, 1 hour south of Salt Lake City, at 11 o'clock this morning it was about 53 degrees, then, by 2:30 this afternoon, it was snowing. When all was said and done, we had accumulated up to 3 inches of snow within a 3 hour period.

Of course, on the other end of the spectrum, in our #3 greenhouse where we have over 350 "Strawberry Hanging Basket Kits" growing, it was a wonderful warm 83 degrees. Exactly what Strawberries like for weather conditions. I can't wait til these Baskets start producing sweet strawberries, I could almost lose myself in our strawberry greenhouse and eat til my eyes are strawberry red. After all, Strawberries are one of THE healthiest fruits available to mankind. Full of anti-oxidents and vitamins to help keep you healthy and vibrant.

Watch for some exciting things to come, not only on our blog, but on our web site http://www.thesweeteststrawberry.com/. Our site is actually receiving quite a face lift for your viewing and buying pleasures. We will have many FAQ's answered for all you strawberry enthusiasts. Growing tips, information on the sweet fruit and ways you can buy plants, baskets, soil and other items pertaining to strawberries. If you have any questions on growing strawberries, email me at thesweeteststrawberry@q.com. I'll be glad to answer your questions and help you be successful in cultivating a nice crop of strawberries. And if you live here in Utah, and want to come see what we do in our four greenhouses, we are there Monday through Saturday from 10am to 5pm getting everything ready for spring sales in the greenhouse and nursery. Google Maple Maountain Greenhouse & Strawberry Farm LLC and let mapquest bring you right to us. We'd love to show you around. And if you have any hanging baskets or patio pots you want filled for spring color, you need to bring them to us. We will knock your socks off with our design and the beauty of our baskets and patio pots. And until next time..."I'll see you in the greenhouse"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Spring is just around the corner

Old man winter is close to closing the book on this years winter season. If you are like me, I can't wait til spring. I love winter though, just not the cold and what it does to all my favorite plants. I do like what it offers in the form of H2o and beautiful mountain scenery. Our dependency on water is enormous. Take a minute and write down YOUR list of needs for H2o in your life.
I'm very excited for Spring to arrive. We have an exciting year planned ahead of us for 2010. We are adding lots and lots of new plants for 2010, both bedding and perennial. We recently stumbled on to a new and exciting way to plant hanging baskets that will provide you, our customers, with some incredible looking combinations. We are increasing our hanging basket production over 100% in 2010. We will be planting over 1500 hanging baskets.
Our "Strawberry Hanging Basket Kit" did pretty good this past Christmas season, and we are expecting an amazing spring. So, if any of you who are reading this blog at this moment, are planning to order one of our Strawberry Hanging Basket Kits over the web, get ready, because we anticipate a #1 hit on Internet sales. Go to http://www.thesweeteststrawberry.com/ and get them on order. You pay only $29.99 + $10.00 S&H. In the kit you receive the specially designed hanging basket with hanger, a bag of specially formulated soil with fertilizer mix, a 2oz. bag of slow release fertilizer, 8 dormant strawberry plants ready to plant, fully illustrated instructions and a guarantee on the plants if you follow all the steps of proper planting, water and care.
We sold hundreds of the kits over the holidays, why not be a part of the hundreds of satisfied customers and order yours now. Many have emailed us at thesweeteststrawberry@q.com and have shared their success story's with us. Soon we will post some of these comments on our web page.
I hope everyone reading this blog will tell their friends and relatives about this exciting new way to grow fresh tasty strawberries on your own back porch. Thanks for reading our blog!!